Coronavirus Update – Please Bag Your Garbage

In response to the continuing effects of the Coronavirus and in observance of employee’s safety, the District’s garbage collector, Best Trash, is asking that all waste be placed in plastic bags and tied off to avoid any direct contact with the garbage.

The District’s recycling service provider, Texas Pride Disposal, is asking residents to continue to place their recycling loose in their recycling container. However, if anyone in the household is exhibiting symptoms of any transmissible illness, recyclables should be placed in plastic bags and disposed of with regular garbage. Additionally, recyclables should never be bagged in plastic bags. The plastic bags are not opened at the recycling center for safety and efficiency reasons. They are pulled off the sort line and sent to the landfill as contamination.

Trash Services will continue as normal, but Best Trash is experiencing an increase in the amount of residential solid waste as a result of residents spending more time at home. Please be patient as Best Trash is doing its best to get everyone collected.

Green waste collection will continue; however, Best Trash anticipates delays in service. By taking the following steps, residents can help minimize these delays:

  • Mulch leaves and grass clippings instead of bagging them for disposal.
  • Limit the amount of pruning and tree trimming to only what is essential.
  • If utilizing a landscaping company, ensure all green waste is collected and hauled off by the contractor.

Recycle Collection Provider

Welcome Letter from Best Trash (PDF)

Best Trash is our recycle collection provider.

Residents that live in Ashford Grove, Ashford Grove East, Ashford Place, Northern Point, Stonepine, and Willow Falls will have recycling collection on Thursday.

Residents that live in Pinecrest Forest, Northpointe East, Three Lakes, and Three Lakes East will have recycle collection on Monday.

Please have recycle cart out by 7:00 a.m.

Recycleable Items

PAPER (including cardboard), PLASTICS (1-7 Styrofoam), ALUMINUM and TIN cans and GLASS (all colors)

Best Trash takes great pride in our recycle program.  Ensuring the best recycle program for our customers takes time and effort on both sides.  Please remove caps, liquids and food products from inside the containers.  Please only use the provided recycle bin for recyclable materials. The red recycle bin is NOT an extra trash container and will NOT be emptied as such.  If items exceed container capacity, please place them adjacent to the cart well marked as recyclable materialsCardboard is recyclable, please break down all boxes flat, and place them next to the recycle cart for collection.

Non-Recycleable Items

Plastic bags, pizza boxes, hangers, toys or any other items that do not have the official recycle logo on them.

Cart Care and Maintenance

Please place the carts neatly against the curb along with your trash cart.  Best Trash will provide each residence with ONE recycling cart.  Best Trash will replace any carts that are defective or otherwise become unusable due to normal wear and tear.  Lost or stolen recycle carts can be replaced for $65.00 + tax  each by calling Best Trash.

Labor Day Trash Collection

In observance of Labor Day, there will be no trash collection on Monday, September 2nd. Trash collection will resume on Thursday, September 5th.