What You Should Know About Hurricanes

From Ready.gov

Unauthorized Motorized Vehicles on Detention Ponds

Residents are being reminded that operating motorized vehicles of any kind at the detention ponds in the District is strictly prohibited.

Such activities may cause significant damages to drainage facilities.

Please be advised that any violators will be prosecuted and their motorized vehicles may be impounded.

Additionally, the District will pursue reimbursement for costs to restore any damage to its facilities.

Storm Notice

When tropical weather approaches the Gulf of Mexico, Harris County MUD #368 will take steps to prepare its facilities for a possible landfall in the Harris County area to prevent any interruption in Water and Wastewater service during the event. Additionally, the District tests and inspects their storm water facilities prior to landfall. Please assist us in removing any trash cans and debris that may block storm drains or prevent storm water from flowing into the storm drains. For more information on hurricane preparedness, please visit: The Texas Division of Emergency Management and Ready Harris.